Jumpstart Your Career Intern Future

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Hours on Training
+ 0
Intern to Full Time
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What Do You Get From GOVOKASI

Maximing Potential

Our objective is to help both interns and companies grow. By helping interns find the right internship program to help them realize their full potential.

During the internship, we provide continuous training & coaching to help companies cultivate the interns potential.

How We Do It?

Connecting Talents

Register yourself for your dream profession that aligns with the skills and abilities you possess, and start building your portfolio.

Participate in a 5-7 day project-based internship with real case studies and experienced coaches.

Qualified talents will be promoted to continue working on projects or onboard internships at GOVOKASI’s partner companies.

Why Choose Us?

High Quality Intern

Candidates will go through our Right KLIC Curation process to help identify their potential and competency.

Experienced Coaches

We collaborate with experienced coaches and pratitioners with more than 10 years experience in their field.

Training & Coaching

We provide continuous coaching and training during their internship program.

Cost Efficient Solution

Our solution help companies recruit the best candidates through cost efficient programs.

three steps to success

Building (PRO)fesional Character

Our interns are continously trained and coached to be the best.


Prime In Contribution

Our interns are coached to focus on contribution before compensation.


Rich In Competencies

Building skills and competencies, to be able to manage bigger challenges.


Open For Collaboration

Intergenerational collaboration to handle complex tasks.

Latest Events..

Register Here As Our Professional Talents On GOVOKASi GOES TO INSPIRAFEST 2023

Trusted By

Our Partners in Developing Talents Potential


Meet The Team

Stephen Sebastian S.Kom


Anjelica Reisa S.Sn, M.Pd.


Sony Tan

HR Director & Penulis Buku “Milenial & Turnover”

Lisa Sanusi


David Tjokrorahardjo

Business Leadership Coach

Mery Riana


Growing Your Potential

with 10 Years of Experts Experiences


Frequently Asked Questions About the GOVOKASI

GOVOKASi menyediakan program Project Based Internship (PBI) selama 5-7 hari untuk menambah portofolio kamu untuk mewujudkan karir impian, tidak hanya itu tersedia sesi coaching untuk mengasah softskill kamu sebelum menghadapi dunia kerja serta terdapat project activity yang dapat kamu ikuti untuk menambah skill dalam bersosialisasi serta project management yang baik melalui program Company partners GOVOKASi.

Tahapan seleksi GOVOKASi dimulai dari submit program Internship, Pre-onboarding, pengerjaan Project Based Internship dan sesi Coaching. Bagi kamu yang memenuhi kriteria dan memiliki hasil project yang baik akan mendapatkan kesempatan di Promote ke Company Partner GOVOKASi. Jika tidak kamu tetap dapat ikut program kembali serta aktif mengikuti sesi coachingnya.

Bagi kamu Mahasiswa yang sedang mencari portofolio lalu Fresh Graduate yang fokus mencari kerja serta bagi kamu yang ingin Switch Career. Tidak ada batasan usia untuk mengikuti program ini.

Mendapatkan menyelesaikan studi case company secara langsung melalui program Project Based Internship dan menambah portofolio, melatih softskill kamu melalui program Coaching serta berkesempatan di Promote untuk menjadi intern to employee di Company Partner GOVOKASi.

Jl. Raya Belimbing No.88, Babakan Asem, Kec. Kosambi, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15212

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